Happy Monday, Patriots! Joe Biden gave a speech yesterday, I'd love to sum it up for you but quite frankly I have no idea what he's trying to say. So, we've decided to ask you what you think he's trying to say.
For those who want to help us with this, here is the video. Please email us because we can't figure out what message Brandon wants to get across.
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Biden Declares War!
President invokes wartime powers to speed up end to gas-powered homes
Now look, I know what you're saying. Sure, Israel is under attack, and it looks like Taiwan could be next. However, I for one am glad that Biden is using his office to fend off the top threat to America, CO2.
I couldn't even type that without once again wondering, how in the world did 81 million people vote for this guy?
Background: The War Powers Act, established in 1973 amid concerns about executive authority during conflicts like the Vietnam War, aimed to balance presidential action with congressional oversight. Originally designed to safeguard national security from external threats, Biden has now decided he wants to use it to clamp down on what you use to heat your home.
As this person points out, this is an outright abuse of power. It has nothing to do with national security. It is nothing more than another attempt by Biden to impose his agenda on the American people, as he attempted with his vaccine mandate.
The hypocrisy is pointed out by this person who points out correctly that gas furnaces are more efficient than what Biden prefers. He claims that this is a ploy by Biden and the left to gain more power; thankfully, Biden does not have a history of wanting to control you... oh wait.
Abuse: The US Congress has not declared War on gas stoves. Thus, the “Defense Production Act” is not constitutional in this instance. Only after a public declaration of War against another nation-state, can the President lead troops or operate in a military capacity.