The Debate Was....

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start your day, the right way
November 9th, 2023
Happy Thursday, Patriots! Yesterday, the House took a significant step by voting to censure the radical leftist Rashida Tlaib due to her blatantly anti-Semitic remarks about Israel. It's my firm belief that she ought to be ousted from Congress. Her actions have made it abundantly clear that her foremost allegiance isn't to the United States, but rather to Gaza. Let's not forget what she did right after winning her election – she draped herself in a Palestinian flag, not an American one.

In some housekeeping updates, we're introducing a new initiative – the 'Patriot Boxes' Every month, we'll pick a subscriber who has opened at least five of our emails, and they'll receive a special box. For this inaugural month, our CEO is generously giving away his personally signed copy of Donald Trump Jr.'s latest book, Liberal Privilege. And remember, you can win without spending a dime – just open the email, no purchase necessary!
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Debate Recap
The Debate was....
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Last night, folks, we bit the bullet and subjected ourselves to the debate. Not because we wanted to, mind you, but because it's our solemn duty to provide you with an unfiltered, unapologetically conservative perspective. They managed to keep it to just five candidates on stage, making it somewhat more bearable, with everyone getting a piece of the action.

But here's the kicker, 70,000 people decided to part with their money and donate to Chris Christie. I mean, seriously? Chris Christie? It's a head-scratcher, my friends. I haven't run into an honest-to-goodness Christie supporter in my life.
Who Attacked Who: In the initial two debates, Vivek Ramaswamy found himself in the crosshairs, facing the brunt of the attacks. However, in this latest round, the candidates seemed to unite in targeting the true adversary: Joe Biden. Each candidate launched their offensive against him. For those curious, Nikki Haley aimed her attacks primarily at both her fellow candidates and Biden, and somehow, Chris Christie managed to evade being the target. I suppose it's a case of not kicking someone while they're already down.
Bold: The most entertaining part of the night was Vivek's opening monologue, he called on Ronna McDaniel to come to the stage and resign. Many people blame her for us losing many of the most important elections in the past few cycles. If you want to Watch Vivek's monologue,
  • click here to watch it.
  • The Summary: If I were to sum it up in one word, it was 'unneccesary' None of these contenders stand a chance against Trump for the nomination. I appreciate that everyone has the right to throw their hat in the ring, but we must stop wasting resources fighting each other. Instead, we should channel that energy and funding into confronting Biden and the Democrats.

    Whether you like it or not, Donald Trump is set to be our nominee. He's currently leading in every crucial swing state. If we unite behind him now, we stand a strong chance of securing a Republican landslide in 2024.
    Why We Lost...
    RIGHTLY <br> INFORMEDAutopsy Report From Underwhelming Republican Turnout
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    On Tuesday, a substantial number of voters cast their ballots, resulting in a challenging day for Republicans nationwide. As we approach the upcoming 2024 elections in less than a year, we face a critical decision. We can either dwell on our losses or seize this opportunity to learn, adapt, and enhance our prospects for the 2024 election.
    State of the Race: Before diving into our path forward, let's take a hard look at our current situation. The 2024 election is looking promising for us. At this moment, Trump holds a lead over Biden in key states like Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada. Even securing just 2-3 of these states would pave the way for his return to the White House as the next President of the United States.
    What We Learned: The most evident lesson we've drawn from recent events is the critical role of voter turnout. But looking ahead to the 2024 Presidential election, the turnout challenge may not be as daunting as it is during off-year elections.

    Our primary concern lies in our messaging. Many attribute Beshear's victory in Kentucky to Cameron's subpar messaging on the abortion issue. Surveys consistently show that a substantial portion of the American population identifies as pro-choice. Or do they really? When we delve into the details, approximately 70% of Americans express a belief that abortion should be restricted to the first trimester.

    Now, you might say, 'That's too far into the pregnancy,' and I concur. Yet, history tends to favor incrementalism, the method of chipping away at something to attain your objective. Furthermore, we must reframe our language; instead of 'Abortion Ban,' we should use 'Common Sense Limitations.'

    If we aim to emerge victorious in 2024, our messaging becomes paramount. Poll after poll underscores that the majority aligns with our stance on various issues. The challenge isn't in what we believe but in articulating our convictions. We've wasted far too much time on the defensive.

    While this isn't the sole reason for our recent setbacks, it's undoubtedly the most conspicuous one. In the coming weeks, I'll likely pen an Op-Ed on what Republicans must do to secure victory. I'll provide a link here if you wish to explore my comprehensive thoughts.