⏰ Everything YOU need to know about the Primary

January 25th, 2024

Happy Thursday Patriots! The Southern York County School District in Pennsylvania has decided to bring back its Native American mascot. This followed claims from the diversity committee that claimed that tribe members never lived in the area.

But, local knowledge and evidence disagreed. Now, with a 7-2 vote in favor, the Warriors' mascot is set to be reinstated. All the yes votes were from members elected after the chief's removal in 2021. Five of them had promised to bring back the mascot.

P.S. We apologize for not sending a newsletter yesterday; we accidentally scheduled it for 6:30 p.m. instead of 6:30 a.m.

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POLL: Do You Think Funding for Schools Who Push DEI Should Be Cut?

Tuesday’s Results

Do you think the U.S. should reduce our annual legal immigration intake?

Yes: 95%
No: 5%

Key Takeaways from the New Hampshire Primary

Former President Donald Trump won the New Hampshire Republican primary on Jan. 23, defeating former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, the final contestant in an initial field of 13 significant candidates.

Trump wins again.

Late on January 23, President Trump posted a post on Truth Social. "Nikki came in last, not second!"

His victory was decisive; it was great but not enormous. In Iowa, President Trump defeated Florida Governor Ron DeSantis by a whopping 30% margin. However, New Hampshire is a strange state politically; their slogan is "live free or die," but they are currently polling in favor of voting for Biden, the same guy who tried to force the vaccine on 80 million people through OSHA.

Haley vows to fight on.

Haley surpassed expectations, receiving 44% of the vote. Ms. Haley, encouraged by the outcome, pledged to continue the run despite finishing third in Iowa and losing the head-to-head combat in New Hampshire.

"They're claiming the race is over. "Well, I have news for all of them," Haley stated during her election night speech. "New Hampshire is first in the nation; it is not last in the nation. The race is far from done. There are still dozens of states to go.

Although many South Carolina Republicans, including Sen. Tim Scott, Rep. Nancy Mace, Gov. Henry McMaster, and Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette, have endorsed President Trump, Haley predicts a strong showing in the state's Feb. 24 primary election.

"Each time I ran for office in South Carolina, I defeated the political establishment. They're lining up against me again, which is not surprising," she remarked. "But South Carolina voters don't want a coronation, they want an election."

The problem with calling these people the establishment is she appointed Tim Scott to the Senate and endorsed Henry McMaster, so to call them establishment is to call herself establishment. Nikki’s entire campaign was make it competive until South Carolina, her home state. However, unfortunately for Nikki, she is currently down 30-40 points to Trump in South Carolina.

Calls To Drop Out

Many people have asked for her to drop out since she first declared. Political analysts predict she has less than a one percent chance of becoming the nominee. Every day she remains in the race is another day Republicans must spend money attacking one other rather than battling their common opponent, Biden and Kamala.

Today’s Hot Take