Israel's Battle for Survival – What You Need to Know

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start your day, the right way
October 9th, 2023
Happy Monday, Patriots! I would like to begin this newsletter by requesting your prayers for all those who have been impacted by the recent acts of violence perpetrated by Hamas over the weekend. I take the Donald Trump stance on this, I just want people to stop dying. .
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Tragedy in Israel
The United States Funded the Terrorist Attack on Israel? Unfortunately, it's not entire impossible
Over the weekend, a devastating Hamas attack in Israel claimed more than 600 lives and left over 2,000 people injured, marking an unprecedented level of conflict since the 1973 Yom Kippur War. This event has triggered strong criticisms from Republicans in Congress, particularly regarding the Biden administration's recent financial dealings with Iran and the question of liability. The situation also raises significant questions about the United States' role in international conflicts, reminiscent of President Nixon's decisions during the Yom Kippur War.
Background As I'm sure you saw, over the weekend Hamas launched a brutal attack on Israel, that has led to the deaths of More than 600 Israelis and injured over 2,000 more.

A conflict of this magnitude hasn't been witnessed in Israel since the Yom Kippur War of 1973, occurring almost exactly 50 years before the commencement of the current one.
Did we fund it? Republicans in both the House and Senate have strongly criticized the Biden administration for releasing $6 billion in Iranian assets, a move that occurred just weeks before the deadly and extensive attack on Israel by Hamas terrorists this past Saturday.

Senator Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., expressed her concern, stating, "Only weeks ago, the Biden administration transferred $6 billion to Iran, and today, we witness innocent Israelis falling victim to terrorists with Iranian ties. It is crucial that we continue to stand by our strongest ally in the Middle East, supporting their right to defend themselves against these unprovoked and horrifying attacks."

Let's consider the sequence of events. Just a few weeks ago, the Biden Administration released $6 billion to Iran. Now, reports are emerging that Iran played a role in planning an attack on Israel over the past several weeks. I'm not saying the Biden administration wanted this to happen, or even knew this was going to happen, but when you release billions to a known state sponsor of terrorism you have some liability.
Just how bad is it?: Reports from various sources indicate that the death toll over the weekend has reached a grim milestone, with the highest number of Jewish lives lost in a single day since the Holocaust.
Should we get involved?: Honestly, this is the one aspect of politics that I find myself constantly wavering on. It's simple to assert that the United States shouldn't act as the world's police, but when you witness the actions of Hamas over the weekend, it evokes a sentiment reminiscent of President Nixon's reaction in 1973 upon hearing about the Yom Kippur War: "Send everything that can fly."
Trump Changes his Strategy
Trump Team switches focus from Biden to Kennedy After rumors he'll run 3rd Party
A few months ago my friend said, 'Honestly, I'm considering voting for RFK in the Democratic Primary.' He continued, 'I would vote for Trump over any Democratic nominee, except for Kennedy.'
Spoiler?: A Few months ago RFK said he wouldn't run as under a 3rd party. However, he has since changed his tune. It was reported a few weeks ago that Kennedy met with Libertarian Party representatives over the summer, suggesting a potential shift in his campaign strategy.

I think his shift came from the disrespect the party has shown him. Despite polling around 15-20% the DNC has all but written in stone that they won't facilitate a debate between Biden and his primary challengers.
Why Trump's Worried: Kennedy is one of those people who you can agree with on a few hot-button issues like the vaccine or being against Big Government, however, when you dive into his positions on Climate Change and Gun Rights it changes your mind.

According to multiple sources, internal campaign polling suggests his expected third party bid could draw more votes from Trump than President Joe Biden in a general election.

I believe this strategy could be effective. Kennedy has advocated for banning the AR-15 and taking a hard stance on dissenters regarding Climate Change, a position that differs from the majority of the country. If Trump can convince his supporters to stay loyal to him while also allowing Kennedy to attract Democratic voters away from Biden, it could significantly increase his chances of winning.
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