⏰ McConnell Sells Us Out

January 17th, 2024

Happy Wednesday, Patriots! Donald Trump ended the day with two endorsements from former opponents Doug Burgum and Vivek Ramaswamy, following a historic performance in the Iowa Caucuses, where he won 98 of 99 counties. Vivek joined Trump on stage in New Hampshire yesterday, where he unequivocally urged others to drop out and support the President.

This race was over before it began; regardless of your feelings toward the former president, the sooner we all rally behind him, the better our chances of winning in November.

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POLL: Do You Support Taiwan’s Independence from Communist China?

President Joe Biden said the U.S. did not support independence for Taiwan. China has long claimed that the island of Taiwan is its territory, and President Xi Jinping has advocated for unification and refused to rule out a military intervention. Where do you stand on this issue?

Mitch McConnell Sells Out The Southern Border

There have been ongoing whispers in recent weeks about Senate Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell, engaging in negotiations with Democrats to address the border crisis. Yesterday, a leaked draft of the proposed deal surfaced, and it paints a troubling picture. If McConnell supports this proposal, it appears to be a significant concession to Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer with little benefit to the conservative base, leaving them feeling betrayed.

Rather than pursuing border security measures and removing undocumented individuals, this agreement appears to provide millions of illegal aliens with green cards and work permits. It effectively supports Biden's catch-and-release policy, which is quite frankly unacceptable.

The proposed deal calls for a significant increase in the issuance of green cards, granting almost everything except voting rights to those who entered the country illegally. Immediate work permits for newly released illegal aliens would become the norm, with taxpayers bearing the cost of legal representation for many as they fight deportation efforts.

In exchange for these concessions, The Democrats would allow a "limited" number of migrants to be returned to Mexico, but only if the number of encounters per day exceeded 5,000 for a whole week. As you may recall, when Barack Obama was president, we were told that if border crossings exceeded 1,000 per day, it would be considered a crisis. But now we won't consider removing anyone until we reach 35,000 in a week.

Today’s Hot Take

Today’s Trivia

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Yesterday Bob from Cincinnati, Ohio Won a swag bag for answering the Trivia Question Correctly.