🚨Mike Johnson Said What About Impeachment?🚨

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start your day, the right way
November 12th, 2023
Happy Monday, Patriots! I read a story that Chicago is so dangerous that illegal immigrants have decided to flee and would rather go back home... that's saying something. I want to take this time to thank God for allowing me to be born in Georgia, where we believe in Law & Order.
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Speaker Mike Johnson says "Not Enough Evidence" to Impeach Biden
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Ever noticed the sneaky game with breaking news? It always seems to drop on a late Friday afternoon, a tradition that's been used for generations. The government's at it again, folks! They're hoping you'll forget over the weekend. And our own Republican Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, pulled the same trick just last weekend—this time with talk of impeaching Joe Biden.
Background: Not long after his election, Speaker Johnson sat down for an interview with Sean Hannity, boldly proclaiming that it was 'very likely' that President Biden had committed impeachable offenses. Yet, just a few weeks down the line, he's done a complete 180, radically shifting his stance.
The Evidence: Despite what the speaker claims, there's a ton of evidence that should force a vote. I've rounded up just a few—but definitely not all—of the crimes where we've got solid proof connecting Biden.
  • IRS whistleblowers investigated Hunter Biden’s tax case and testified under oath Joe was present in at least one meeting with Hunter’s foreign clients.
  • Hunter's private correspondence implies Joe's involvement in securing payments and taking a share for himself.
  • Hunter’s former business partner asserts Joe's direct involvement.
  • Testimony from another partner suggested Joe's frequent communication (24 times) with Hunter's associates during business dealings.
  • An FBI informant documented conversations indicating Joe's alleged pressure on foreign companies to channel millions to the family business.
  • Joe's brother paid him $200K while seeking a Middle Eastern investor for a hospital firm.
The Disconnect: There's a stark gap between the truth and what the establishment pushes for - they'd like you to believe that a president must be caught red-handed before impeachment. Yet, consulting with numerous historians reveals the actual truth: impeachment boils down to having 'probable cause' that Biden committed these offenses.

What's more, impeaching Biden stands as the sole means for millions of Americans to learn about the crimes of the Biden syndicate. The mainstream media overlooks Hunter being subpoenaed to testify, however they'd have no choice but to broadcast live hearings, and a compelling argument could spell the end for Biden.

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