🚨Soros Backed Prosecutor Ousted🚨

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start your day, the right way
November 16th, 2023
Happy Thursday, Patriots! Chip Roy went after the GOP Establishment on the house floor yesterday, and honestly it got me thinking... when was the last time the GOP delivered on it's promises?

Click Here to watch his entire speech.
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Soros Beat
Loudoun County Voters Fire Soros Prosecutor, Elect a Republican
Background: Radical Leftist, Buta Biberaj was elected in 2019 after receiving a significant amount of her campaign funds from George Soros. You might remember Buta from this viral case when she had father of a rape victim arrested when he demanded justice for his daughter after she was raped by a male student in the female bathroom.

Blowout: Despite the backlash in 2021, Buta outspent her opponent by over $900,000. However, despite those circumstances and the inherent advantage of being an incumbent, she ended up losing by a slim margin of just 300 votes out of more than 136,000 votes cast. I think this shows that in 2024, voters will be voting for tough on crime candidates, the GOP should take notice.
More to come?: Soros has a long track record of bankrolling radical leftist district attorneys for decades. However, it's worth noting that some of his donations have played a role in electing multiple district attorneys who are now actively prosecuting Donald Trump. The motive seems clear: an attempt to influence the outcome of next year's presidential election.

As it stands, a total of 75 district attorneys currently in office have received financial backing from Soros. The way I see it, 1 down 74 more to go.
Dominion on Trial
Federal Judge Orders Trial for Ga.'s Dominion Voting Machines

In Georgia, a legal battle is brewing over the state's electronic voting system. Activists, backed by some prominent Republicans, are pushing to replace electronic voting machines with hand-marked paper ballots. U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg has ordered a trial to settle the dispute.

Judge Totenberg said flat out that she doesn't believe the activists are conspiracy theorists and said that there is sufficient cause to believe that there may be "cybersecurity deficiencies"
The activists argue that the current system jeopardizes voters' constitutional rights, citing vulnerabilities and concerns about vote accuracy. Key among these concerns is the use of QR codes in the electronic ballots, which some claim may not accurately reflect voters' choices.
While the state resists implementing software updates to address these issues before the 2024 election, there's a broader issue at play. Many Republicans, just flat out don't trust Dominion Voting Systems, the provider of Georgia's electronic voting machines. This lack of trust is significant because, in a swing state like Georgia, winning the support of these skeptical Republicans is crucial for election success.