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October 5th, 2023
Happy Thursday, Patriots! I don't know about you, but I for one am looking forward to telling my grandkids one day about all the historical stuff that we've witnessed in the last 3 years. .
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Trump for... Speaker?
Could Donald Trump Become Speaker? Well, it's possible. But is it Likely?
I know what you're thinking, he's not even a congressman. Well, according to the constitution, that doesn't matter. Our founders were brilliant, however, I think they were too optimistic. They decided not to make being a congressman a requirement for being the leader of the House of Representatives. But, that would never happen, Right?...Right?
The Law In order to be elected speaker, a person first needs to be nominated by a sitting member of Congress. After that, they would need to be elected by a majority of the 535 voting lawmakers

However, a candidate can be elected with fewer than 218 votes if several House members abstain from voting and lower the threshold for a majority. This happened after the 2020 election when former majority speaker Nancy Pelosi won with just 216 votes after three lawmakers only voted “present.”

While there has never been a speaker elected from outside Congress, the Constitution only says: “The House of Representatives shall [choose] their Speaker and other Officers.” Many scholars argue that the founders would have assumed the speaker would be selected from among the elected members of the House, but the Constitution does not appear to prevent a congressperson from nominating an outsider.
Does he have a chance? Well, a lot of prominent republicans in the House have voiced their support for him. MTG said in a Tweet "The only candidate for Speaker I am currently supporting is President Donald J. Trump."

Even a potential opponent, Jim Jordan, voiced support. When asked on Hannity's Fox News show if Trump could serve as interim speaker, Jordan said, "He'd be great, but I want Donald Trump to be the next president...If he wants to be speaker, that's fine too."

Now, is it likely? Well, who knows really. 6 weeks ago we didn't think it was likely for a sitting Speaker to be voted out, and there is certainly precedent for a former President joining another branch of Government. I think if he actually ends up running, he stands a good chance of winning.
Does he want it?: “A lot of people have been calling me about speaker. All I can say is we will do whatever is best for the country and other Republican Party and people,” Trump said, according to NBC News.

To be candid, such a scenario would provide President Trump with an invaluable platform, potentially garnering millions in free media coverage. It could offer him a unique opportunity to articulate his vision and agenda for America, allowing for a direct and stark comparison between his policies and those of Joe Biden and the Left. This contrast would be on full display for all of America to see, fostering a more informed and engaged electorate as they evaluate the future direction of the country..

If I were a betting man, which I certainly am not, I wouldn't put my money that Trump will be our next Speaker of the House. However, I don't know that I would bet against it either.
God Under Seige!
Syracuse University bans Church from school property for upholding Christian sexual beliefs
Syracuse University has barred a church from holding its services on university-owned property campus, citing alleged violations of the university's standards of 'inclusion.'
Background: Radiant Church had been holding Sunday services in the ballroom of the nearby Drumlins Country Club, which Syracuse owns, since July. The university’s decision came in response to allegations of homophobia against the pastor of the church for comments he made in a recent interview.

“We have notified the Radiant Church that they are not allowed to host their services on Syracuse University property,” Syracuse said in a statement to Campus Reform. ”We are taking the necessary action to ensure groups requesting use of our property are properly vetted prior to being given permission to gather on our campus and at our facilities.”
The War on God: Unfortunately, this is not the only place where the Radical Left is waging war on Christianity and Christian Values. When I was researching this story, I came across more than a dozen examples over the past year where colleges like Syracuse have been openly hostile to Christian student groups.

From my research, it appears that the left doesn't have a problem with Christianity, they only have a problem with True Christian Values. For Example, Georgetown University's LGBTQ Resource Center is 'the first such Center of its kind at a Catholic/Jesuit institution in the country.'

What Can We do?: The best thing you can do is pray. Pray for the student stuck at these schools, pray that every year fewer and fewer students attend schools that attack Christian Values and finally Pray for our country to have a revival.
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