⏰ Will This Be Enough To Impeach Biden?⏰

December 5th, 2023

Happy Tuesday, Patriots! I'm not sure how many of you know I'm a senior in college, though not for much longer as I graduate in two weeks. I somehow made it through college becoming much more conservative; unfortunately, my classmates did not.

When I was writing this, I came across this meme, which I believe perfectly describes my campus...

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Biden Got Recurring Payment from Hunter Since 2018

When it comes to his knowledge of Hunter's business dealings, Biden has shifted the goalposts for years. He had no idea at first and had never spoken to him. Then, after the media exposed his deception, he claimed he had never met any of his business partners. After that was disproven, he finally admitted that he didn't sell influence or make money from it.

That has been the sticking point for Democrats; they've all but admitted that Hunter sold influence but have died on the hill claiming that Joe himself never profited. The chair of the House Oversight Committee investigating the President, Rep. James Comer, released evidence yesterday proving a monthly deposit from Hunter's business account to Joe's.

While the amount of money sent, slightly less than $1,400 per month, isn't enough to prove outright corruption, I believe it should be enough to provide Speaker Johnson with the evidence he stated he needed to move forward with impeachment proceedings. When you add this money up, along with the $49,910 Hunter paid Joe in rent each month, and all of the other evidence, it's pretty clear that Joe was profiting from the sale of influence.

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